Selected Bibliography and References

IMYM Faith & Practice, 2009, pp 235-246


Bacon, Margaret Hope, Mothers of Feminism: The Story of Quaker Women in America (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986). 

Brinton, Howard H., Friends for 350 Years, with historical update and page and line notes by Margaret Hope Bacon (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 2002). The history and beliefs of the Society of Friends since George Fox started the Quaker movement. 

Benson, Lewis, Catholic Quakerism (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1966).  A challenging treatise on the revolutionary character of the original Quaker message and mission.

Hubbard, Geoffrey, Quaker by Convincement, rev. ed. (London: Quaker Home Service, 1985). A classic introduction to Quakerism.

Ingle, H. Larry, First Among Friends: George Fox and the Creation of Quakerism (New York: Oxford Press, 1994).

Loring, Patricia, Listening Spirituality, Vol. II. Corporate Spiritual Prac-

tice Among Friends (Washington Grove, MD: Opening Press, 1999). Distributed in the United States through AFSC, FGC, and Pendle Hill bookstores, and in England through The Quaker Book Shop (London).

Smith, Robert, A Book of Quaker Wisdom (New York: Quill [an imprint of HarperCollins], 2002).

Stephen, Caroline, Quaker Stronghold (Wallingford, PA:  Pendle Hill Pamphlet #59, 1951). An abridgement that selects Caroline Stephen’s explanation of the tenets she considered to be the cornerstone and foundation of Quakerism.

Trueblood, Elton, A People Called Quakers (New York: Harper and Row, 1966).


Faith and Practice of New England Yearly Meeting of Friends (Worcester, MA: New England Yearly Meeting of Friends, 1986).

Faith and Practice of North Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Corvallis, OR: North Pacific Yearly Meeting, 1993).

Faith and Practice: A guide to Quaker Discipline in the Experience of Pacific Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (San Francisco: Pacific Yearly Meeting, 2001).

Faith and Practice of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Philadelphia: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1998).

The Old Discipline: Nineteenth-Century Friends’ Disciplines in America (Glenside, PA:  Quaker Heritage Press, 1999).

Quaker Faith and Practice: The Book of Christian Discipline of the Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Britain (Warwick, England: Warwick Printing Company Limited, 2005). A wonderful resource for any Friend or meeting; contains abundant quotations from numerous sources.   History

The Rowntree Series of Quaker Histories:

Braithwaite, William, The Beginnings of Quakerism, 2nd ed., prepared by Henry J. Cadbury (London: Cambridge University Press,


_____, The Second Period of Quakerism, 2nd ed., prepared by Henry J.

Cadbury (London: Cambridge University Press, 1981).

Jones, Rufus M, The Later Periods of Quakerism (two volumes) (Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1970).

_____, Quakers in the American Colonies (New York: Macmillan, 1911).

_____, Studies in Mystical Religion (New York: Macmillan, 1909).

_____, Spiritual Reformers in the 16th and 17th Centuries (New York: Macmillan, 1944).

Other Histories:

Bacon, Margaret Hope, Mothers of Feminism: The Story of Quaker Women in America.  (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1986).

Barbour, Hugh and J. William Frost, The Quakers (Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1994).

Cooper, Wilmer A., A Living Faith: An Historical Study of Quaker Beliefs (Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1990).

Garman, Mary, ed., Hidden in Plain Sight: Quaker Women’s Writings, 1650–1700: The Story of Quaker Women in America (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1996).    

Ingle, Larry H., Quakers in Conflict: The Hicksite Reformation (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1998). A solid exploration of the issues, personalities, and events surrounding the Orthodox– Hicksite schism, with a special emphasis on the competing visions of the future of the Society of Friends held by each side.

Manousos, Anthony, ed., A Western Quaker Reader: Writings by and about Independent Quakers in the Western United States, 1929–1999 (Whittier, CA:  Friends Bulletin Corporation, 2000).

Punshon, John, Portrait in Grey: A Short History of the Quakers (London, England: Quaker Home Service, 1984).

Stephen, Caroline Emelia, Quaker Strongholds, Centenary ed. (Chula Vista, CA: Wind and Rock Press, 1995).

Taylor, Ernest Edwin, The Valiant Sixty (York, England: Sessions Book Trust, The Ebor Trust, 1988). Original copyright 1947.

Vipont, Elfrida, George Fox and the Valiant Sixty (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1975).

Quaker Classics

Barclay, Robert, Barclay’s Apology in Modern English, Dean Freiday, ed. (Newberg, OR: The Barclay Press, 1991).

Brinton, Anna Cox, E. P. Mather, and R. J. Leach, Quaker Classics in Brief: William Penn, Robert Barclay, and Isaac Penington (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1978).

Fox, George, Journal of George Fox, John L. Nickalls, ed. (London: Religious Society of Friends, 1975).

_____, No More but my Love: Letters of George Fox, Cecil Sharman, ed. (London:  Quaker Home Service, 1980).

Penington, Isaac, The Light Within and Selected Readings (London: Tract Association of Friends, 1984). Abridged from four volumes of this early Quaker writer’s work.

Penn, William, No Cross, No Crown, Ronald Selleck, ed. (Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1981).

Steere, Douglas, ed., Quaker Spirituality:  Selected Writings (Ramsey, NJ: Paulist Press, 1984).

Woolman, John, The Journal and Major Essays of John Woolman, Phillips P. Moulton, ed. (Richmond, IN:  Friends United Press, 1989).

Journals and Biography 

Ambler, Rex, Truth of the Heart (London: Quaker Books, 2001).

Bacon, Margaret Hope, The Quiet Rebels: The Story of the Quakers in America  (Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, 1985).

Birchard, Bruce, The Burning One-ness Binding Everything: A Spiritual Journey  (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #332, 1997).

Larson, Rebecca, Daughters of Light (New York: Knopf, 1999).

Miller, Larry McK., Witness for Humanity: Biography of Clarence Pickett (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1999).

Newman, Daisy, A Procession of Friends (Richmond, IN:  Friends United Press, 1992).

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends, Quaker Biographies [Philadelphia: (for sale at Friends’ Book Store), 1909–1916]. A series of sketches, chiefly biographical, concerning members of the Society of Friends, from the seventeenth century to more recent times, with illustrations.

Rickerman, Sally, Growing Up Quaker and Universalist Too (Quaker Universalist Fellowship, 1999). The journey of a Quaker universalist from her ancestral roots in seventeenth-century Quakerism, to her family’s experiences on the American frontier, to her own upbringing as a twentieth-century Friend.

Salitan, Lucille and Lewis, Eve, eds., Virtuous Lives: Four Quaker sisters remember family life, abolitionism, and women’s suffrage (New York: Continuum 1994).

Sherr, Lynn, Failure Is Impossible: Susan B. Anthony in her own words (New York: Times Books, 1995).

Sterling, Dorothy, Ahead of her time: Abby Kelley and the politics of antislavery (New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1994).

Worship and Devotion

Abbott, Margery Post, A Certain Kind of Perfection (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1997).

Fosdick, Henry Emerson, Rufus Jones Speaks to Our Time (New York: Macmillan, 1961).

Foster, Richard J., Celebration of Discipline (San Francisco: Harper, 1978).

Lacey, Paul, Leading and Being Led (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #264, 1985).

London Yearly Meeting, To Lima with Love (London: Quaker Home Service, 1987).  Response to the World Council of Churches document Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry.  A clear statement of the Quaker response to aspects of traditional Christianity.

Loring, Patricia, Listening Spirituality, Vol. 1. Personal Spiritual Practices Among Friends (Washington, D.C.: Openings Press, 1997). Distributed in the United States through AFSC, FGC, and Pendle Hill bookstores, and in England through The Quaker Book Shop (London).

Punshon, John, Encounter with Silence: Reflections from the Quaker Tradition  (Richmond, IN:  Friends United Press, 1994).

Taber, William, Four Doors to Meeting for Worship (Wallingford, PA: 

Pendle Hill Pamphlet #306, 1992).

Wilson, Lloyd Lee, Essays on the Quaker Vision of Gospel Order (Philadelphia: Quaker Press of FGC, 2002).

Peace and Social Concerns

Beebe, Ralph, Robert J. Rumsey, and Norval Hadley, New Call to Peacemaking: A challenge to all friends (Philadelphia: distributed by Friends World Committee for Faith and Life Movement, 1976).

Borton, Lady, Sensing the Enemy: An American woman among the boat people of Vietnam (Garden City, NY: Dial, 1984).

Boulding, Kenneth Ewart, Human Betterment (Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications, 1985.) What does it mean? Is it possible?

_____, Stable Peace (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1978.) If the United States had a policy for peace, what would it look like?

Cary, Stephen, ed. Alison A. Anderson, The Intrepid Quaker: One Man’s Quest for Peace: Memoirs, speeches, and writings of Stephen G.

Cary (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 2003)

Davidson, Miriam, Convictions of the Heart: Jim Corbett and the sanctuary movement (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1988).

Fahey, Joseph and Armstrong, Richard, eds. A Peace Reader: Essential readings on war, justice, nonviolence, and world order (New York: Paulist Press, 1987). Includes selections from George Fox, William Penn, and Elise Boulding, among others.

Griswold,  Robert, Quaker Peace Testimony in Times of Terrorism (Torrance, CA.: Friends Bulletin Corporation, 2003). 

       Available online at terrorism.html

Jonas, Gerald, On Doing Good: The Quaker experiment (New York: Scribner, 1971).

Mullen, Tom, Witness in Washington: Account of the First 50 Years of FCNL (Richmond, IN:  Friends United Press, 1994).

Peace Pilgrim, Peace Pilgrim: Her life and work in her own words, compiled by some of her friends (Santa Fe, NM: Ocean Tree Books, 1983).

Pickett, Clarence Evan, For More Than Bread: An autobiographical account of twenty-two years’ work with the American Friends Service Committee (Boston: Little, Brown, 1953).

Powelson, John P., The Moral Economy, (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998). Is it possible for an economic system to reward moral behavior without using government power to force people to love their neighbor?

Richmond, Ben, The Guide for Friends on Conscientious Objection to War (Richmond, IN: Friends United Meeting, 2001). Available from

Smith, Jane Orion, Shaking the Foundations, 2005 Intermountain Yearly Meeting Plenary Address, 16 June 2005. Online at

Snyder, Edward F., with Wilmer A. Cooper et al., ed. Tom Mullen, Witness in Washington: Fifty years of Friendly persuasion (Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1995).

Twain, Mark, The War Prayer, with drawings by John Groth (New York: Perennial/HarperCollins, 2002). What do people really mean when they pray for victory?

Wilson, E. Raymond, Uphill for Peace: Quaker impact on Congress (Richmond, IN: Friends United Press, 1975).

Yarrow, C. H. Mike, Quaker Experiences in International Conciliation (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1978).

Stewardship and Environmental Concerns

Brown, Judith, God’s Spirit in Nature (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #336, 1998).

Corbett, Jim, Goatwalking: A Guide to Wildland Living (New York, Viking, 1991).

Corbett, Jim, Sanctuary for All Life (Berthoud, CO: Howling Dog Press, 2005).

Gould, Lisa Lofland, Caring for Creation: Reflections on the Biblical Basis of Earthcare  (Burlington, VT:  Friends Committee on Unity with Nature, 1999).

Stages of Life

Children and Youth

Boulding, Elise, Children and Solitude (Wallingford, PA:  Pendle Hill Pamphlet #125, 1962).

Eldridge, Richard, Rites of Passage in Children (Friends Council on Education, 1992)

Heath, Harriet, Answering That of God in our Children (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #315, 1994).

Judson, Stephanie, ed., A Manual on Nonviolence and Children (Philadelphia, PA:  Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1977).

Parker, Palmer J., To Know as We Are Known: A Spirituality of Education (San Francisco: Harper & Row, 1983).

Test, Mary, On Sitting Still (Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1972).


Boulding, Elise, One Small Plot of Heaven: Reflections on Family Life by a Quaker Sociologist (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 1989). Twelve essays.

Hill, Leslie, Marriage: A Spiritual Leading for Lesbian, Gay, and Straight Couples  (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #308, 1995).

New England Yearly Meeting Ministry and Counsel, Living with Oneself and Others: Working Papers on Aspects of Family Life (New England Yearly Meeting, 2001). Discussion, queries, and advices on marriage, family life, separation, divorce, remarriage, and living without a partner. Available from

Palmer, Parker J., Let Your Life Speak: Listening for the voice of vocation (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2000). 

Skidmore, Chris and Gil, eds. Beyond My Control: Quakers Talk About Their Personal Experience of Addiction (Sowle Press, 2003). 

  Available from FGC bookstore.

Watson, Elizabeth (and Philadelphia Yearly Meeting committee on Family Relations), Marriage in the Light: Reflections on Commitment and the Clearness Process (Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1993).


Morrison, Mary, Without Nightfall Upon the Spirit: Reflections on Aging (Wallingford, PA, Pendle Hill Pamphlet #311, 1994)

Yungblut, John, On Hallowing our Diminishments (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #212, 1990).

Loss, Death, and Dying

Humphry, Derek, Final Exit (New York: Dell Publishing, 1991). The practicalities of self-deliverance and assisted suicide for the dying.

_____, Let Me Die Before I Wake: Hemlock’s book of self-deliverance for the dying and Supplement to Final Exit: The latest how-to and why of euthanasia/hastened death (Junction City, OR: Norris Lane Press, 2001).

James, John W. and  Friedman Russell, The Grief Recovery Handbook: The action program for moving beyond death, divorce, and other losses (New York: Harper Perennial, 1998).

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, Death: The final stage of growth, 1st Touchstone ed. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1986).

Levine, Stephen, Who dies? An investigation of conscious living and conscious dying   (Garden City, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1982). _____, A Year to Live (Sounds True Cassettes, Shambala Press).

Memorial Societies: Continental Association of Funeral and Memorial Societies, Suite 1100, 1828 L St., NW, Washington, DC, 20036.

Moody, Raymond A. Jr., Reflections on Life after Life, (Boston: G. K.

Hall, 1978).

Morgan, Ernest, ed. Jenifer Morgan, Dealing Creatively with Death: A manual of death education and simple burial (Bayside, NY, Barclay House, 1990).

Watson, Elizabeth, Guests of My Life (Burnsville, NC: Celo Press, 1983).

Weiss, Brian L., Through Time into Healing (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992).

Westberg, Granger E., Good Grief: A Constructive Approach to the Problem of Loss (Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1979).

Tempe Monthly Meeting Death Preparation Handbook. 

Quaker Process and Decision Making

Brown, Thomas S., When Friends Attend to Business (Philadelphia:

Philadelphia Yearly Meeting). Available online at       

Cazden, Elizabeth, Fellowships, Conferences, and Associations: The Limits of the Liberal Quaker Reinvention of Meeting Polity (Boston: Beacon Hill Friends House, 2004).    Important for anyone trying to understand contemporary Quaker debates over same-sex marriage, the meaning of membership, the role of committees, and issues of leadership in the Religious Society of Friends.

Greene, Jan and Marty Walton, Fostering Vital Friends Meetings, Part I: A Handbook for Working with Quaker Meetings. (Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, 1999). Valuable for finding materials to help a meeting with growth and/or problems.

_____, Fostering Vital Friends Meetings, Part II: Resources for Working with Quaker Meetings  (Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, 1999).  A supplement containing resources mentioned in Part I, above.

Hickey, Damon, Serving a Friends Meeting as Recording Clerk. Available from FGC bookstore.

Lacey, Paul, The Authority of Our Meetings Is the Power of God. (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Publications, 2003). The author holds in creative tension the individual and corporate responsibilities in our monthly meetings to witness to the power and authority of God.

Loring, Patricia, Spiritual Discernment: The Context and Goal of Clearness Committees  (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #305, 1992). 

_____, Spiritual Responsibility in the Meeting for Business (Philadelphia, PA: Quaker Press of FGC, 1993). The differences between Friends’ process and the secular process of “reaching consensus.”

Morley, Barry, Beyond Consensus: Salvaging the Sense of the Meeting (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #307, 1993). Discusses the process of reaching a sense of the meeting.

Sheeran, Michael J., Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless Decisions in the Religious Society of Friends (Philadelphia, PA:  Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1983). A study of Friends’ decision making, written by a Jesuit priest.

Watson, Will, Before Business Begins: Notes for Recording Clerks (New England Yearly Meeting, 1996).

Other Publications of Interest

Rickerman, Sally, ed. Quaker Universalist Reader (Quaker Universalist Fellowship, 1986).

Friends General Conference, The Wounded Meeting:  Dealing with Difficult Behavior in Meeting for Worship (Philadelphia, PA: Friends General Conference, 1993). Explores options for loving solutions to problems and the need to take action.

Leuze,Robert, ed. Each of Us Inevitable (Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trangender, and Queer Concerns, 2003). Some keynote addresses at Quaker gatherings, 1977–1993.

Griswold, Robert, Creeds and Quakers: What’s Belief Got to Do with It? (Wallingford, PA: Pendle Hill Pamphlet #377, 2005).

Quaker Periodicals

Friends Journal, 1216 Arch St. Philadelphia, PA 19107  (215) 563-8629   Read by subscribers in all 50 states and many foreign countries. Its authors include Friends from all parts of the United States and elsewhere, and from all branches of Friends.

FLGBTQC Notes, Friends for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns. 

Pastoral Care Newsletter, 1515 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102  (Family Relations Committee of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting).

Quaker Life, 101 Quaker Hill Drive, Richmond, Indiana 47374 (Friends United Meeting).

Western Friend, 833 SE Main Street. Suite 202., Mailbox 138, Portland, OR 97214. (503) 956-4709  The official publication of the three independent Western yearly meetings.

WWW Links   Home site for the American Friends Service Committee.   Home site for Friends Committee on National Legislation, the Friends’ lobbying organization in Washington, DC.   Home site for Friends General Conference.   Home site for Friends United Meeting.  Home site for the Friends World Committee for Consultation.   Home site for Evangelical Friends International.   Intermountain Yearly Meeting’s site.   Site run by the Philadelphia-area Quaker study center. Includes information about classes, a bookstore, and a place to order Pendle Hill pamphlets. Some of the pamphlets are now kept online in .pdf format for free download.   Friends General Conference bookstore. Discounts for classes.   Site run by the Ben Lomond Center outside of Santa Cruz, CA.   Meeting locator run by Friends General Conference. Lists meetings and some churches, sorted by distance from a specific city or zip code.   Friends United Meeting bookstore.   A general information site for Quakers, run by Russell Nelson. Full of links and instructions for subscribing to various newsgroups, email lists, and other Quaker groups. Homesite of QUIP, Quakers United in Publishing. You can search a large database by author, title, and subject and get information on cost and availability. Has information for those wanting to publish. Maintained by Bruce Hawkins.   Home site for Friends for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Concerns. A North American Quaker faith community. Information on gatherings, resources, and newsletter.

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